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stainless-steel-safety-valve with flange or thread connection

The stainless-steel-safety-valve is a kind of safety valve, that is characterized by its resistance to a wide variety of media. This means a stainless-steel-safety-valve with FKM seal can be used with oily air, in extreme temperatures, and with chlorinated water, VE water and drinking water, depending on the alloy and quality of the stainless steel. Our safety valves are made of high quality V4A stainless steel such as 1.4408 and 1.4571. These materials are especially resistant to acids. That's why our safety valves are often used in pharmaceutical industry, medical technology, with drinking water and wherever aggressive media come into play. The high resistance to aggressive media makes stainless-steel-safety-valves ideal for chemical and petrochemical industry. But even in food industry, stainless-steel-safety-valves come in handy, due to their resistance to disinfectants and cleaning agents.

stainless-steel-safety-valve with flange or thread connection

The stainless-steel-safety-valve is a kind of safety valve, that is characterized by its resistance to a wide variety of media. This means a stainless-steel-safety-valve with FKM seal can be used with oily air, in extreme temperatures, and with chlorinated water, VE water and drinking water, depending on the alloy and quality of the stainless steel. Our safety valves are made of high quality V4A stainless steel such as 1.4408 and 1.4571. These materials are especially resistant to acids. That's why our safety valves are often used in pharmaceutical industry, medical technology, with drinking water and wherever aggressive media come into play. The high resistance to aggressive media makes stainless-steel-safety-valves ideal for chemical and petrochemical industry. But even in food industry, stainless-steel-safety-valves come in handy, due to their resistance to disinfectants and cleaning agents.

Different models of stainless-steel-safety-valves

The big advantages of stainless-steel-safety-valves from NieRuf GmbH are not only the high quality workmanship and the available acceptances (material certificate 3.1 or TÜV individual acceptance 3.2 on the preset pressure), but also the wide range of models, nominal sizes (¼“ - DN100), preset pressures (0,2 bar to 350 bar) and connections (internal & external thread, flange, clamp etc.). Please feel free to explore our range of stainless-steel-safety-valves down below, or use our configurator to assemble your ideal valve. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone.


Product finder

safety valve 3/4" x 1 1/4" fm SV05 neutral liquid media, stainless steel EPDM


angle-type-safety-valve stainless steel 3/4" x 1 1/4" fm female thread EPDM Typ SV05 for neutral liquid media with twist-type lifting mechanism

Technical features

  • diameter 3/4" x 1 1/4" fm
  • connection Female screw threaded BSP-P
  • lifting twist-type lifting mechanism
  • set pressure 0,5 - 25,0 bar- higher pressures possible in PTFE version
  • media neutral liquid media
  • 24 months warranty

safety valve 1 1/2" x 2" fm SV05 neutral liquid media, stainless steel EPDM


safety-valve stainless steel 1 1/2" x 2" fm female thread EPDM Typ SV05 for neutral liquid media with twist-type lifting mechanism

Technical features

  • diameter 1 1/2" x 2" fm
  • connection Female screw threaded BSP-P
  • lifting twist-type lifting mechanism
  • set pressure 0,5 - 25,0 bar- higher pressures possible in PTFE version
  • media neutral liquid media
  • 24 months warranty

safety valve 1 1/2" m x 2" fm SV06 liquid media, stainless steel FKM, with lever


safety valve with with lever und with bellows for liquid media stainless steel 1 1/2" m x 2" fm Typ SV06 with male screw threaded BSP-P FKM-seal

Technical features

  • diameter 1 1/2" m x 2" fm
  • connection male screw threaded BSP-P
  • lifting with lever
  • set pressure 0,5 - 25,0 bar- higher pressures possible in PTFE version
  • media liquid media
  • 24 months warranty

safety-valve DN6 1/4" m x 1/2" fm NPT, SV15, MD/ PEEK, without lifting device, angle-type, >500,0 - 1100,0 bar


safety-valve DN6 1/4" m x 1/2" fm with NPT-thread SV15 for gaseous media made of stainless steel seal MD/ PEEK pressure >500,0 - 1100,0 bar without lifting device angle-type

Technical features

  • diameter DN6 1/4" m x 1/2" fm
  • connection male screw threaded NPT
  • lifting without lifting device
  • set pressure >500,0 - 1100,0 bar
  • media gaseous media
  • 24 months warranty

safety valve 3/4" m x 1 1/4" fm SV10 gaseous media, stainless steel PTFE, with lever


safety valve 3/4" m x 1 1/4" fm male screw threaded BSP-P SV10 for gaseous media made of stainless steel seal PTFE set pressure 0,5 - 70,0 bar with lever

Technical features

  • diameter 3/4" m x 1 1/4" fm
  • connection male screw threaded BSP-P
  • lifting with lever
  • set pressure 0,5 - 70,0 bar
  • media gaseous media
  • 24 months warranty

safety-valve DN10 3/8" m x 1" fm SV15, MD / PAI, without lifting device, angle-type, >350,0 bar - 630,0 bar


safety-valve DN10 3/8" m x 1" fm SV15 for gaseous media made of stainless steel seal MD / PAI pressure >350,0 bar - 630,0 bar without lifting device angle-type

Technical features

  • diameter DN10 3/8" m x 1" fm
  • connection male screw threaded BSP-P
  • lifting without lifting device
  • set pressure >350,0 bar - 630,0 bar
  • media gaseous media
  • 24 months warranty

safety valve 1 1/2" m x 2" fm SV05 neutral liquid media, stainless steel NBR


angle-type-safety-valve for liquid and gaseous media stainless steel 1 1/2" m x 2" fm male thread NBR Typ SV05 with twist-type lifting mechanism

Technical features

  • diameter 1 1/2" m x 2" fm
  • connection male screw threaded BSP-P
  • lifting twist-type lifting mechanism
  • set pressure 0,5 - 25,0 bar- higher pressures possible in PTFE version
  • media neutral liquid media
  • 24 months warranty

safety valve 3/4" m x 1 1/4" fm SV06 liquid media, stainless steel FKM


angle-type-safety valve with with bellows for liquid media stainless steel 3/4" m x 1 1/4" fm Typ SV06 with male screw threaded BSP-P FKM-seal and twist-type lifting mechanism

Technical features

  • diameter 3/4" m x 1 1/4" fm
  • connection male screw threaded BSP-P
  • lifting twist-type lifting mechanism
  • set pressure 0,5 - 25,0 bar- higher pressures possible in PTFE version
  • media liquid media
  • 24 months warranty

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Phone: +49 7143/9666-900


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Commitment engenders trust. We stand by our word and are convinced that as a result not only our customers but also everyone we work with can rely on us.


We always strive to find the best solution for our customers. It is our goal and incentive to have completely satisfied customers.


Technical and commercial expertise form the basis for developing qualified solutions tailored precisely to the needs of our customers.


We do not adhere to rigid guidelines but instead focus on the individual wishes and needs of our customers. They are more important to us than internal company processes.



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Mo - Fr 08:30 - 17:00

+49 7143/9666-900

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